'Germinative' Resurrection

"But someone may ask, "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?" 1:Corinthians 15:35

Human body has over 30 trillion cells! All these cells came from a single cell with a single DNA! Lets ignore for a moment the ideas like those of Rupert Sheldrake or Bruce Lipton in regard to morphogenesis. Lets stick to the mainstream's idea that the single cell has all the information pertaining to the whole body! So we conclude that it is possible to squeeze all information pertaining to a whale into something so tiny that it requires the most powerful microscope to see!

The bible teaches resurrection as the hope of life after death! This view has some advantages over the idea that the body has something invisible in it that is inherently immortal. One does not need to posit that 'the consciousness is not caused by the brain'. So this hope for resurrection does not rely of neuroscientist's ignorance of how the brain works, and therefore it does not become more irrelevant the more neuroscience knowledge advance! What causes consciousness is irrelevant to the question of whether or not there is life after death. On the contrary, it should be what 'it doesn't cause consciousness' that should be relevant.

People, including Christians, came to reject resurrection because they just could not understand how a body, turned to dust, can somehow ever come back to life! In other words they asked the question in 1:Corinthians 15:35 but did not take the answer given in 1:Corinthians 15:37 seriously! As in reading several verses, they take it as a mere metaphor! Here, Paul seems to be making the 'burial' as a literal meaningless comparison to planting seeds on the ground and waiting for them to germinate! Is Paul suggesting that a body is just like a seed, which is 'planted' during burial only for it to germinate in future? They could not swallow such, so Paul must have been just speaking metaphors! But this is not the case! Paul is more literal than you may think!

First remember that even the development of a human body from a single cell is a marvellous event that is completely like germination! Nobody can explain how nature does this wonder. This means that we no more much understanding how the body develop from a single cell than we do, how it might resurrect from a corpse! Yet we think we understand the former! People confuse 'habitual perception' with 'understanding'! Our brain is an expert in fooling us that we understand what we actually don't! That is why we thought gravity was a no-brainer! What is 'hard to understand', so we thought, is how the earth can be 'hanging in the mid air'. So we concocted theories like that the earth is supported by giant elephants, who stands on a giant tortoise which is seated on a giant, coiled snake! Likewise it might even be easier to understand germination than resurrection! It is only stereotype that has it otherwise!

So we can savely remove 'germination' and put 'development' or, if you prifer 'mophorgenesis'. So 'resurrection' will be 'a burgeoning of the body from a tiny seed'! Resurrection is nothing but an extraordinarily rapid growth! It is growing from a microscopic 'seed' all the way to a full body in pico-seconds! The scientific explanation will be closely similar to how we might explain 'germination'! So in this sense, Paul was more literal than people may think!

But how can the body 'germinate', you may ask. Isn't the cell already dead? How foolish! The body has 30 trillion cells, and they all came from a single cell! Now proceed further. The DNA has 2 billion nucleotides. Relatively speaking, the DNA is far simpler than the body, and yet we think that the origin of the latter is far simpler than the origin of the former! Again we confuse habits with understandings! Scientists donnot remind us (and themselves) of the mystery of morphogenes as often as they remind us of the origin of DNA. We (and they) confuse this with 'understanding morphogenes better than the origin of life'! But this is just a profound illusion! We cannot understand how 30 trillion things comes about before we understand how 2 billion of them comes about! We must be fooling ourselves. Again remember the tortoise model!

So we can think that a single nucleotide is to DNA as DNA is to the body. If something as tiny as a DNA can contain the information of the 30 trillion cells, then it will be quite easy for something as tiny as a nucleotide to contain the information of just 2 billion nucleotides! I know this may sound strange because scientists often depicts nucleotides (components forming the DNA) as 'biliard balls'. They pretend, for a moment, that quantum mechanics have long dismantled such a view! Atoms are modelled more acurately as 'standing waves'. Then It is not too difficult to visualize how the information might be stored in the 'crests' of the waves just like the information can be stored in the nucleotides.

So in this model of resurrection, the information pertaining to your body, your mind, etc, is all packed in tiny molecules! These molecules will literally act like 'seeds' out of which entire bodies can burgeon under the right conditions! The growth of the bodies from the information in individual molecules will be much a kin to how the body grows from a single cell, using the information in the DNA. So the understanding of the resurrection only requires that we think of molecules not as dead objects, but more of as 'seeds' that retains the information of the bodies. Indeed we have no reason to stop at the DNA molecule. That is not where 'information storage' ended. Rather, that is just where the power of microscope to resolve a substance into more components ended!

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  • Thanks, I did not see the similarity with cloning at all!😆 It is good you did notice that it is a 'physical' idea of 'resurrection'. Nothing 'supernatural' is necessary. And I like the idea of living on earth forever, with a physical body.☺
  • Hello! In this posting you seem to dance around the issue of cloning or calling it cloning.The dead can be brought back to life by taking a dead cell from a skull and recreating that person in a lab.That is the concept of resurrection that the bible speaks of its not supernatural or spiritual in nature it is in fact how immortality is brought about thanks to advanced medical technology.As far as the going to heaven part it is actually speaking of the eternal life planet all the prophets of the Elohim are there and the Elohim are advanced enough to decide who goes there.As long as the bible assumes its heaven we may never fully understand it but given time we have the Elohim potential within us to recognize the errors of the bible and begin to understand the truth thanks to the last prophet of the Elohim,"Rael!"Our DNA is Elohim inspired as long as cloning is made illegal it denies ordinary people the chance for immortality and it sends a obvious signal from the elite on our planet that they wish for humanity to die early and embrace death withholding the cloning knowledge is a crime against humanity.Its not up to the elite but rather to the ordinary man to embrace immortailty in all its benefits to humanity in general.
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