Until recently, I had not had a period for so long. I know too much information, but just keep reading. Losing your cycle can be a scary thing if you factor out pregnancy or disease. A woman's cycle is very important to her health not just physically. All aspects of a woman can be traced to her womb. Women often dread pms or their period, but with its absence it becomes all too clear. Your cycle is indeed more of a blessing than a curse.
I was going through a strange time. I was working many things out on different levels while attending to my daily life. I think that a woman's cycle can be tied to her spiritual development. When your cycle doesn't happen something is wrong with the energy of your body. You aren't releasing stagnant energy from your womb. This could be emotional blockages as well as physical blockages. When there is emotional strain (stress) you may not know it or realize, but your body always reflects what's going on. Every system in your body including your womb tells you what you need to pay attention to. Until you work out those problems, your body will not operate as it should.
It's just my little insight. When we are working on ourselves, we should not forget what the physical body tells us. Often our body let's us know what it needs. I wasn't too alarm when my period went missing and assumed it will return when I balance myself again. Sure enough, when I started confronting my withheld negativity and change my way of thinking it returned. In life, we can easily get caught in a tangle web of misery which vibrates from inside us to all parts of us. These kinds of things should be treated with the same care as a disease of a physical source. The disease in the mind can be very powerful enough to develop into actual symptoms. Listen to the whole of your being, it will tell you what you need and what you should do.
Greetings Mevyn,
What a very interesting post.
I have not had a physical cycle in the last 8 years due to hysterectomy. However i still get physical symptoms from the physical cycle but it makes me feel as if i still connect.
I found it very hard to come to terms with as i was only 30 but for health reasons it was best( been having problems from the age of 8).
I started to work on my spiritual womb and have found that it helped me sooo much i teach my students male and female about their womb space healing.
Thanks once again for your post.
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
Good point to make, Mevyn. I've met young women who weren't really aware of their bodies in a spiritual way, who resented their bodies because of all the aches, pains and suffering they went through... I know women who hate being women because of their menstrual agony.
I think you are right, it is about balance within, and without.