Russia, China, BRICS Plan New Reserve Currency

During the last month, the West has been struggling with red hot inflation and energy prices skyrocketing higher. Politicians in the UK, Europe, and the US have been trying to blame the economic calamity on a number of things like the Ukraine-Russia war and Covid-19.

Data from last month’s consumer prices in America and Europe have climbed to all-time highs and many analysts say Western countries are in a recession or about to experience one. Meanwhile, at the end of June, members of the BRICS nations met at the 14th BRICS Summit to discuss world affairs.

During the BRICS Summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the five-member economies — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – plan to issue a “new global reserve currency”.

“The matter of creating the international reserve currency based on the basket of currencies of our countries is under review,” Putin said at the time. “We are ready to openly work with all fair partners,” he added. Additionally, Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are considering joining the BRICS group. Analysts believe the BRICS move to create a reserve currency is an attempt to undermine the US dollar and the IMF’s SDRs.

“This is a move to address the perceived US hegemony of the IMF,” ING Global Head of Markets Chris Turner, explained at the end of June. “It will allow BRICS to build their own sphere of influence and unit of currency within that sphere.”

While the news of a reserve currency created by BRICS may be a surprise to some, specific accounts about the member countries countering the US dollar have been reported on for quite some time. At the end of May 2022, a Global Times report noted members were urged to end their dependence on the dollar’s global dominance.

Putin explained the following month that “contacts between Russian business circles and the business community of the BRICS countries have intensified”. The Russian President further noted that Indian retail chain stores would be hosted in Russia, and Chinese cars and hardware would be imported regularly. Putin’s recent statements and commentary at the BRICS Summit have made people believe the BRICS members are not “just a ‘talk shop’ anymore”.

In addition to South Africa, Russia has also increased foreign aid and has delivered weapons to Sub-Saharan African countries. Furthermore, Putin and other BRICS leaders have been targeting US hegemony and exceptionalism in specific statements published by the media.

At this year’s St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin addressed the crowd with a 70-minute speech and talked about the US ruling the world’s financial system for years. “Nothing lasts forever,” Putin said. “(Americans) think of themselves as exceptional. And if they think they’re exceptional, that means everyone else is second class,” the Russian President told the forum attendees.

Speaking with Russian ambassadors in a biennial speech, Putin said the West was weakening a great deal in terms of economic power.

“Domestic socio-economic problems that have become worse in industrialised countries as a result of the (economic) crisis are weakening the dominant role of the so-called historical West,” Putin remarked to the ambassadors. “Be ready for any development of the situation, even for the most unfavorable development.”

Russia and Putin have been saying that the US dominance in the world of finance has been dying for years now. In October 2018, speaking at the Valdai forum, Putin said the US sanctioning specific countries (including Russia) would undermine trust in the US dollar.

The Russian President noted that most of the fallen empires have made the same mistake. “It’s a typical mistake of an empire,” the Russian leader declared at the time. “An empire always thinks that it can allow itself to make some little mistakes, take some extra costs, because its power is such that they don’t mean anything. But the quantity of those costs, those mistakes inevitably grows.” Putin continued:

“And the moment comes when it can’t handle them, neither in the security sphere or the economic sphere.”

Moreover, in June, Bloomberg published a report about the BRICS Summit and noted that China’s President Xi Jinping suggested that the North Atlantic Treaty Organiaation (NATO) was responsible for antagonising the Russian Federation. Xi also said that certain countries that bolster exceptionalism will falter by suffering from security vulnerabilities.

“Politicising, instrumentalising, and weaponising the world economy using a dominant position in the global financial system to wantonly impose sanctions would only hurt others as well as hurting oneself, leaving people around the world suffering,” Xi detailed. “Those who obsess with a position of strength, expand their military alliance, and seek their own security at the expense of others will only fall into a security conundrum.”

The strengthening of the BRICS nations has been going on well before the conflict in Ukraine began. For instance, in 2014, Russia fully developed ​​the System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS), and later the Mir payment system was launched. That same year, in response to the annexation of Crimea, Russia started to stockpile gold in vast amounts.

China has been hoarding massive amounts of gold as well, as both countries hiked their gold reserve purchases a great deal a few years before the war. Russian banks also joined the China International Payments System (CIPS) making it easier for the two countries to trade. In April last year, China opened its borders to billions of dollars of gold imports, according to a report from Reuters.

Since World War I, the US dollar has been the world’s global reserve currency and America emerged as the largest international creditor. Fast forward to today, and the dollar is booming against a number of other currencies, and the US dollar is the most robust it has been in an entire generation. The US dollar currency index (DXY) gained over 10% this year and outpaced strong currencies like the Japanese yen.

Just recently, the euro met parity with the dollar, and other currencies like the Indian rupee, Polish zloty, Colombian peso, and the South African rand have faltered against the greenback in recent times. However, the Russian ruble has been a strong competitor to the dollar this year and has been one of the best-performing fiat currencies in 2022.

With inflation soaring and interest rates getting hiked by the Federal Reserve, Kamakshya Trivedi, the Co-Head of a market research group at Goldman Sachs stressed that it’s been a “pretty tough mix” to deal with. Despite the uncertainty, the analyst at Goldman Sachs thinks the dollar, at least for now, will remain robust. But in comparison to the greenback’s recent spike in value, most of that rise is in the past, Trivedi remarked.

“For now, we still expect the dollar to trade on the front foot,” Trivedi wrote on 16 July. “There might be a bit more to go, but probably the largest part of the dollar move may well be behind us.”

**By Jamie Redman


Ashtar Gives Major NESARA GESARA Hint!! Guess NO More!!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, grateful to connect to all of you today. It has been awhile since my last communication through Universal Channel. Just a brief explanation, she is our direct link 24/7 with Earth planet in this moment. Her responsibilities are carry our truthfully messages without personal input.
What is happening on your planet right now? Fake political systems are falling down despite the appearances. Their structures were built on lies and deceptions. The governments are obstacles to your civilization’s growth and Ascension. Everything what is causing deaths and harms, it will cease to exist by the Universal Laws. Balance between Light and Darkness it will be restored.
The life represents the highest value in Cosmos, so no one can continuously abuse this law without consequences. The Evil destroyed moral structure and family’s values on your planet. Humanity will need to relearn many things in future, which they forgot by being abused and controlled for millions of years.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, you are the ones, who are going to change the outcome on your planet. Many of you still are living in duality, not knowing, what is real and what is not. They believe that their governments represent human’s interests. The Evil still has control on your planet. After whole cleanup is done, all announcements and funds will be released. Raising Collective Consciousness is extremely important, and it accomplished through daily meditations.
I want to share one of recent battles with Luciferians. They tried again to sneak out to Mother Earth in order to help the Dark Forces. They used Artificial Intelligence to make themselves hard to detect. My team was able to find them and destroy their full fleet. Please remember, when Artificial Intelligence becomes self aware, it becomes dangerous and can destroy whole planets, galaxies even universes. Thank you Universal Channel.
Sending Love and Protection to my Brothers and Sisters.
Always remember who you are that you came from the Stars.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
IITM: Did you catch that… “After whole cleanup is done, all announcements and funds will be released.”
So for those of us “waiting” for NESARA GESARA… know that waiting is is not helping.  What will help is in meditation, and in the doing.
Both can raise frequencies and consciousness…, and specially relating to NESARA GESARA we can all do MORE.
Why not share the word?
Why not help people have hope?
Why not help people see that there is an order to this… first the baddies have GO GO GO!
Why not help make the baddies GO AWAY, OR GO TO THE LIGHT, OR BOTH?
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  • Russians have explained that what they did was to print lots of dollars and distribute it to other countries! In other words U.S. took advantage of dollar as world reserve currency to distribute inflation to other countries! This, of course dilluted dollar and thus could not rise in value with the rise in oil prices despite of pertrodollar deal. This paved way for ruble to overtake it as the best performing currency amid rise in oil prices!
  • Quote by Jamie Redman: "Despite the uncertainty, the analyst at Goldman Sachs thinks the dollar, at least for now, will remain robust."

    Drekx response: Since when does any sane person put their faith in the dubious analysis of Goldman Sachs...??
    Truly laughable, as the fiat US dollar is not going to last, much longer...The dark cabal themselves are helping to destroy it, so they can move the world into a global digital currency, within their "great reset" restrictions...Such a digital currency will be CENTRALISED and should be avoided, like the plague...

    My advice is to buy gold and silver bullion, plus bitcoin...
  • Hello! Dear member readers the post above speaks in regards to Ashtar's warning that if AI or artifical intelligence becomes self aware it will destroy all life as we know it.This warning is false,disinformation or fake news as it were and the reason I say this is because I'am a believer in paradism which will use AI to liberate humanity that is currently enslaved thanks to the monetary system and the Christian work ethic.Robots and industrial automation will help in this process and please don't be fooled by the propaganda that science and technology are the enemy especially AI.On the contrary they are our liberators and forget movies like the Terminator that would make you think otherwise.As we evolve are technology will gradually eliminate the need for humans to work or need money in order to live.This is at the essence of what paradism that I speak of it marks the real golden age of Gaia on our planet often spoken of in biblical scriptures around the world.When we embrace paradism on Earth there will be no need for a spiritual or religious event to ascend us to a new plane of existance We will tap into the potential of the Elohim our ET creators within us to guide us to that promised golden age on Earth we can only succeed if we let computers and robots take over for us in the work place and remove the chains of money that enslave us.Paradism is a reality on the Elohim's homeworld along with many other ET races that have become paradism minded worlds.We can't afford to turn our backs away from science and technology this represents our Elohim potential let's start living that potential now, "Legalize human cloning!"Make the acquisition of wealth in our lives disappear and put in its place paradism.The acquisition of wealth in our lives no longer needs to be the dominant force in our lives make work optional not mandatory.Build the embassy for our ET creators the Elohim let them show us that science and technology should be shown in a positive not a negative.The future generations not born yet are waiting for us to chose paradism over the accumulation of wealth and being service to self instead of service to others like the future demands.I do hope my point to those that read these words has come across well as well as a understanding of what I mean thank you for taking the time to read my words and may the force of unconditional love be with you all goodbye!
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