From my point of view poverty is a false label. No one is poor. People are people who happen to have certain needs to survive and live in harmony. The acquisition of material possession and money defined as wealth is entirely unnecessary for the comfort and happiness of human beings. It is only those with a vested interest in the domination of others through money and possession (assets and wealth (materialism)) who enforce this label of poverty on others.
The idea that you need to “afford” basic human needs is obscene and delusional, since this planet provides enough space, abundance and sustenance for ALL to live in comfort. It is those with the mindset of the domination of others who purposely set out to restrict access to necessary resources and land, so that they may profit off the dependency of others.
It is these “wealthy” who have zero interest in truly improving the conditions of the “poor” or in other words the “wealthy” have no interest in making everyone wealthy, because if that was the case their wealth would be worthless. The wealthy(rich) have a strong interest in the majority of people remaining poor so that they can exploit them for labour. For without the labour of the majority of poor to serve the rich, there would be no such thing as wealth.
This has nothing to do with capitalism, communism, fascism, socialism or any other ism. This state of affairs is simply the determination of a small group of people to control the subservience of the majority of people who thus support the wealth and imagined superiority of the rich with their labour. Such a thing has existed since the dawn of human civilization and is the fundamental issue that confronts human society.
A government is nothing more than the biggest gang in a country. This gang demands that you pay them tribute and protection money (taxes), or else it sends in it’s muscle of force to imprison or kill you. This gang simply has a greater ability to harm you than any other gang in the nation.
The people who control this gang have always been the same. The richest people in the land, whether that be royalty, corporations, or warlords and most importantly the biggest landowners.
Because you are forced to pay this gang currency of a type that is determined by the government, you have to get that form of currency from whoever is giving it out. So you are forced to either work for this gang or the other gangs (corporations/businesses) that will give it to you in exchange for your labour. In other words you are forced to sell your labour to gain the tightly controlled currency that you have to pay to the government.
It is the very rich who own these other gangs and command their loyalty. Through their force and influence they own the majority of land which you either must pay them rent (tribute) for, or expand vast sums of currency to acquire. To obtain you are once again forced to work for those who have reserves of this currency.
The purpose of richest people who control the gangs is to gain control of all basic human resources, so that those who have needs are forced to pay them tribute and work for them in order to survive.
For example a village has a well which everyone needs to get clean water. A gang rolls into town and takes “ownership” of the well which it controls through force. Everyone is forced to pay them or work for them in order to have access to clean water. Anyone who tries to dig another well is killed. All other wells in the area are owned by the same or rival gangs. All these gangs working together is called globalism, to ensure the subservience and labour of all people and to make sure no one slips through the net.
From this it is understood that what you call wealth, is simply the enforced labour and servitude of the majority of people to support the position of their gang leaders. Of course as long as you join the gang and are a willing servant, then you may get some crumbs off the table.
Higher education seems to be for many a way out of poverty. With the assumption that you will be able to make more money than others and thus pay for the comforts and experiences that will make life easier.
Higher education is a process of entrainment to the system. The system being increasing the wealth of the rich through the exploitation of the poor. All widely accepted intellectual systems enforce the superiority of the elite a.k.a. monetary system, government authority and status of the wealthy. Only those who have proved they are capable of following the curriculum are allowed to enter higher education, where they are more deeply entrained. In addition they must pay vast sums of money in order to get in. This may be a gift from parents who have done well within the system. However in many instances it is through going deep into debt. Once you are in that debt your are forced to work to pay your way out. So essentially you are locked in. Follow the party line and prosper. Become a gangster.
Once you have become a gangster, you have at your finger tips the ability to buy the resources you need to live from other gangs and you also have the power to get a whole range of worthless junk you don’t need. More importantly you are given a mortgage. Oh so you work for one of our gangs, great, now get your own home by borrowing a vast sum of money it will take you half your lifetime to pay off. Thus your loyalty to the system is ensured, you have no choice but to work for this system. You don’t dare lose your job now. You’ve got a family that needs a roof above their head. You will do anything to keep your job. (Perhaps do and say nothing when your corporate bosses make you complicit in policies that harm and exploit millions of people)
The media is nothing more than a propaganda machine as well as mind and population control organization. It enforces the delusion of money as wealth and what you need to survive, and the more you have of it the better. Governments, banks and corporations as decent organizations you can trust, instead of the utterly corrupt and criminal institutions that they are. The media enforces division between people, jealousy, selfishness, materialism and sensationalism. It is psychological programming for the subconscious and ego. It’s aim to keep people stupid, confused and divided by lies and disinformation so that they do not question and seriously challenge the agenda of this civilization which is simply to increase the wealth, power and influence of the minority of wealthy people at the exploitation and slavery of the majority of humanity.
The multinational corporate interests simply take operating principles of the warlords, gangs and wealthy elite of every nation on earth and multiply it into a titanium system that no individual has any hope of challenging. The multinational corporations are the biggest gangs on the planet and they go in and use many means of taking over the interests of local warlords, mafia and gangs (governments). Their muscle is the intelligence services and the U.S. navy, air force and military.
They use the same techniques, just more sophisticated and a lot smoother. The effect is that the local rich, warlords and landowners dominated their people in a certain way. The multinational corporation agenda, brings order to the chaos, by dominating them on a much larger scale. The Imperialistic Christian Colonization Agenda of the British empire has become a Super Elite Global Multinational Corporate Agenda spearheaded by America, sugarcoated as democracy and freedom. The propaganda of a New World Order which is in a nutshell the total domination of all labour on Earth and the control of all global assets and human resources for the profit and benefit of a tiny group of human beings(the elite, thousand points of light - George.H.W Bush). The result of which is perpetual enforced slavery of humankind. This is the state of affairs at this time.
The state of affairs at this time is a reflection - rather magnification of fatal flaws within basic human society, psyche and ego. That is the propensity of some human beings to seek superiority over others, the desire to control and dominate others in order to gain status, privilege wealth, power and aggrandisement. It is that basic selfish instinct to spread personal influence, power and domination over others rather than working together in harmony, caring, peace and equality with others. Human history is saturated with the mentality of domination. While this obsession with power and control is not necessarily evil - it is simply an expression of the fire element - It is however unbalanced. On a small scale this imbalance may be positive for it may organise a tribe to fight off it’s attackers, on the gargantuan scale it now operates it is utter misery for billions of humans and animals.
In other words through evolution the human race must needs transform and harmonise itself, not simply magnify it’s tribal instincts and basic flaws. To be fair it is only a few who have the mentality of domination and control among the human race, but it only takes a few in order to create problems for the majority. The majority of humanity is peace loving, but lack the ability to deal with the few powerful ones who seek domination over others.
The New World Order is an obscenity which will either force humanity to transform itself or be destroyed. Those who mistakenly believe in the New World Order, actually believe it is the best hope for order and peace on a global scale to address those basic flaws of “human nature”.
For we who are incarnating on the planet at this time, we all know better. Ascension is basically a transformation of the human race and planet to a higher state of existence and in those terms this is definitely happening at this time. We are moving into a time when we as a whole recognize that the universal positive feminine energies must absolutely take precedence in human life. In real terms what this means is that a society or civilization must be based first and foremost based on principles of compassion, nurturing, caring, kindness, sharing, love and peace. To those who base their assumptions on the bloody and warlike history of humanity, those principles do not have the power to provide protection and security for human life. Yet for those of us who have entered the feminine mysteries, it is known that the power of cosmic love when applied with sincerity and divine intuition is more than a match for any negative fiery power. Before the gaze of the divine feminine the most powerful fires are frozen to absolute zero. Armies dissolve into nothingness. Titanium strength melts to liquid. So will the powers of this world be tamed.
It is to this level of awareness that we must ascend as a species in order to no longer be influenced by the lower domination and control games of those small group of individuals who have enslaved the majority of this planet.
Thankfully I can say that there is a great awakening on this planet and we are moving past the new world order, into an endless age of love, peace and happiness. This is happening and will happen for certain. The gorgeous wonder and beauty of the feminine mysteries will be unveiled, gifted to and celebrated once again within the human race. The only requisite is that we understand fully, having gone through great suffering, the value and preciousness of harmony. As opposed to engaging in harmful states that cause suffering for everyone. Having appreciated this there is no chance to fall again.
Thus with all I have said in this document there is a wonderful future for us all. You only have to choose the path, enter it and to walk it. Welcome wise traveller to the Endless Age of Love.
When I was in Mexico, I saw poverty, I saw the broken spirits, I saw the depression, the lowness. And it is my dream, my great help them rise up...and see smiles on their faces....and see them happy, and see them feel like they are worth something! To see them be able to enjoy life, and have all the good things that life as to offer!
I am tearing up as I write this now, because I love them so much, I love my fellow man, especially the low ones. They are the ones that are always forgotten. They are the ones who are always abused. They are the ones who are always looked down on, so much so our elites, those bastards, view them as useless eaters, and want to KILL THEM because they deem them unworthy of life!!
I put my whole life, my whole soul, my whole being into the defense of those innocent people, those good people, who have to suffer because of the greed of a few. I stand against the dark side, and their juggernaut of death. I stand for the lowly ones, my people! I will do everything in my God given power to raise them up, so we can fulfill the prophecy that the meek shall inherit the Earth, and the strong will lead! Not the weak greedy corrupt fools, with darkened hearts and souls. Your slave system is coming to an end, and so help me God, if I have to tear it down all by myself, I will do it!
Well I grew up poor. And I don't mean just poor, I mean really poor. The lowest of the lower class. We were one step above homelessness. We lived in a tiny slum house, where you could see the whole house from the front door. The house was filthy, and falling apart.
There were many times when we didn't eat. Many times when we got our power cut off because of not paying the bill, many times when our water would just stop; there was even a point where we didn't even have a shower head, and the water would come right out of a hole in the wall, and it molded the whole inside of the wall.
I had basically no clothes, save some old hand me downs, or clothes that friends gave to me. There was a time when I didn't even have pants in the winter, and would go to school in shorts. I had one hoody that I always wore, and unlike kids these days, I didn't wear the hoody to be cool and "ghetto" I wore it because it was the only sweater I had to keep warm. I could list other things that you guys wouldn't believe. Suffice to say, I was straight ghetto, as ghetto as ghetto can be.
You say there is no such thing as poverty, you have no idea buddy! You say no one is poor, I say, poor people develop a poverty consciousness. I know when I worked my way out of that rut, and finally lived decently, I was not used to it at first. It didn't feel good to have nice things. I had a poverty consciousness, and identified with poverty more than abundance.
I only recently have overcome my poverty consciousness, where I feel like I can be comfortable with abundance, and luxury. Poverty makes you feel poor inside, and it takes a very strong person to keep from identifying themselves as poor, despite living their whole life in poverty. I wasn't that strong.
The Aloe arborescens is a large treelike multi-headed shrub and bears its name due to its stem forming habit.[1]
Typical height for this species ranges from 2 to3 meters (6–10 ft) high. Its leaves are succulent and are green with a slight blue tint. Its leaves are armed with small spikes along its edges and are arranged in rosettes situated at the end of branches.[2] Flowers are arranged in a type of inflorescence called a raceme. The racemes are not branched but two to several can sprout from each rosette. Flowers are cylindrical in shape and are a vibrant red/orange color.[1]
[edit] Distribution
Aloe arborescens is mostly native to the south eastern coast of the African continent. Specifically, this range includes the countries of South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.[2] It has the third largest distribution amongst the aloe genus.[1] Although Aloe arborescens has adapted to many different habitats, its natural habitat usually consists of mountainous areas including rocky outcrops and exposed ridges. Its common name Krantz Aloe refers to the Afrikaans word "krantz", which means a
+10 like
wonderful article flash, this is a great well constructed collected lens, awesome, just awesome stuff
and so, hehe, heres some thrown in quick bits and weird peaces from my mind
to quickly summarize and say over again in just another wordy way, you could say that those who starve are because of those who have real poverty, the soul poverty, and this causes the insane material poverty elsewhere, for centuries
just a quick weird thing
I was kinda wondering a strange thought a while back, of say, if the higher levels of exsistance also work like this, yet at a more "comfortable" level? I find it interesting that I see this simple rule-set playing out in other situations in other places of the universe, is this poverty system some kind of backbone to the universe? it seems
or. . . just currently? as in, perhaps the universe is changing too?
and so, this "backbone" may also change completely into something new through this universe change? hehe, yes I am stretching a bit, but meh, thought I'd write my thoughts anyhows, maybe its weird or out their
also, the ones who fought against (at some successful level) the gang system, these people must perhaps have a bitterness in their mouth to the majority of the human population, (perhaps some not, overtime), as they would feel betrayed by the very population they always fought for, for their freedom
perhaps I sensed this question was looming in the back of humanitys mass consciousness for a time, a while ago, about the question, that being, should these super fighters show up yet again?
or is it now, the answer being, "our turn", obviously, to see and learn, as we obviously must, as the change is underway for all, no matter what, it seems
perhaps their is a different lesson to learn for those ones who always went out of their way like a human cannonball for the human race, a hard lesson, just the same. . . ? for their own soul?. . . damn
or. . .
a greater deeper clearer recognition. . of love?
perhaps still hard to come to such conclusions, about such thing
Wow Flash, glad to have you here at this time mate, you sure bring in great help and assistance : Mind-blowing blog with amazing insight, i love it. The line that got me, amongst others : "A government is nothing more than the biggest gang in a country." And it was down the rabbit hole to great revelations about the workings of this world. Awesome insight, analysis and writing. Thanks :)