Will the scientists be able to transfer consciousness into machines, and thus possibly imprisoning 'souls'? The short answer is no! They will always be able to transfer information. But consciousness is not information. Consciousness is the informed,
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You’ve finally gotten that job that you’ve been waiting for. That’s the good part. Now for the nail-biting bit: Your potential employees have asked for a drug test before hiring you.
You don’t know whether to rejoice or panic, especially since you’
Disclosure is ridiculously and painfully slow but underway. Not 17 minutes?
Please remember to discern for yourself, relax and trust the plan, and that disinformation is part of the war strategy.
The First Arrest – January 27, 2022
This article gets in
Come join us on this fascinating journey into synchronistic magic, blessed intuitive purchasing and the energy of good luck. During this course, you will receive 3 important activations that will greatly enhance your good fortune, trigger interdimen
When it comes to making resolutions for the New Year, many people hardly prioritize their mental
Message to the Surface Population Posted: 27 Jan 2022 12:44 AM PST In a desperate attempt to keep the hold of the planet, the dark forces are reinfecting the three key energy vortexes on the surface of the planet with as much dark anomaly as possibl |
Ancient Civilizations
This question for William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, elicited more than what the questioner expected.
Questioner: I wondered if The Council could speak on what happened to the ancient Mayan city-civilizations and if a
Its been YEARS since ive posted on this website!
I remember just how special this community is and i wanted to share with you my youtube channel.
On my channel I give a multitude of information regarding Crypto Currency as well as Spiritualiy.
I hope y
Scott Mowry’s update reminds us that the posturing and military movements we’re hearing in the news is fake, fake, fake. The Plan devised by The Earth Alliance involves a fake WWIII scenario to justify the deployment of troops globally to remove the
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.